The Iran Brief


The Iran Brief®

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The Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal

Established as part of the Algiers Accords thatended the 1979-1981 hostage crisis, the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal inThe Hague (Netherlands) adjudicates claims by U.S. citizens andcorporations against the government of Iran for property seizedduring the revolution or contracts that went unfulfilled.

It has also been the locus for high-stakespolitical wrangling, as Iran has demanded $10 billion in damages fromthe U.S. for not seeking to identify U.S. assets belonging to theformer Shah, and in 1996 filed suit for damages for an alleged U.S.covert action plan to overthrow the Tehran regime.

Kenneth R. Timmerman's story on the Tribunal,written as part of a study funded by the Western Journal Centerproject, was published by Worldnetdaily.comon Oct. 4, 2000 and provides a usefuloverview of the issues involved.

This page takes readers off this site so they canaccess original documents and come to their own conclusions.Readers knowing of other sites where case information is availableon-line are invited to sendour webmaster an e-mail with the url so wecan include it as we update this site.

The PacificArbitration Network has made availableon-line excerpts from an 1160 page legal study of thetribunal.

Many of these links have expired. If you can helpto update them, please sendus an email.

1/21/2006:The Carter Era executiveorders unfreezing Iran's assets


Iranian statements

July 24, 2000:Transcript of remarks by Mohammad Hossein ZahedinLabbaf, Iran's senior representativeat the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, at a Congressional forum hosted bythe American-Iranian Council. OfficialU.S. Government Documents

ExecutiveBranch Reports

relating to the Iran.-U.S. ClaimsTribunal


6/21/2000: President'sReport on National Emegency Re Iran (NB: Report notreleased)

11/16/99: President'sReport on National Emergency Re Iran (NB: Report notreleased)

5/26/99:President'sReport on National Emergency Re Iran (NB: Report notreleased)

11/16/98: Textof a Letter on Iran

5/13/98: Transmittalto Congress to Report on Iran

11/26/97: Transmittalto Congress on Iran

5/14/97: Reporton Activities Re Iran

11/14/96: PresidentLetter on National Emergency with Iran

5/16/96: Reporton National Emergency with Respect to Iran

11/28/95: President'sReport to Congress on Iranian Sanctions


Executive Orders and reports on U.S.-IranTrade

9/25/2000: CoverLetter for periodic report on National Emergency Re Iran(The full text of report appeared in the CongressionalRecord)

3/14/2000: Presidentsigns Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000

3/13/2000: Extensionof National Emergency Re Iran

3/10/99: Extensionof National Emergency Re Iran

9/16/98: Transmittalto Congress on Iran

3/16/98: Transmittalto Congress on National Emergency and Iran

9/17/97: Transmittalto Congress on National Emergency with Iran

8/19/97: ExecutiveOrder 13059 on Transactions with Iran

9/13/96: PresidentReport on Implementing Iran Sanctions

3/11/96: Reportto Congress on Continuing Emergency Re Iran

9/18/95: PresidentLetter on Restriction on Trade with Iran

5/6/95: ExecutiveOrder 12959 on Iran Trade Ban

3/15/95: ExecutiveOrder 12957 Barring Iranian Petroleum Development


TheCarter-era Executive Orders ending the freeze on Iranian governmentassets

President Carter issued a series of ExecutiveOrders on Jan. 19, 1981 that unfroze Iranian government assetsin exchange for the release of the 52 U.S. diplomats held hostage inIran.

ExecutiveOrder 12276: Direction Relating toEstablishment of Escrow Accounts at the Federal Reserve in NewYork

ExecutiveOrder 12277: Direction to TransferIranian Government Assets (Gold bullion) from the Bank ofEngland

ExecutiveOrder 12278: Direction to TransferIranian Government Assets Overseas (including set-offs againstIranian funds)

ExecutiveOrder 12279: Direction to TransferIranian Govt Assets Held by Domestic Banks.

ExecutiveOrder 12280: Direction to TransferIranian Government financial Assets Held by Non-BankingInstitutions

ExecutiveOrder 12281: Direction to TransferCertain Iranian Government Assets. This sweeping directiveunfreezes all non-financial properties "owned by Iran or itsagencies, instrumentalities, or controlled entities" in the UnitedStates.

ExecutiveOrder 12282: Revocation ofProhibitions Against Transactions Involving Iran.

ExecutiveOrder 12283: Non-Prosecution ofClaims of Hostages and for Actions at the United States Embassy andElsewhere. Bars former hostages and others harmed in their personor property during the Iranian revolution.

ExecutiveOrder 12284: Restrictions on theTransfer of Property of the Former Shah of Iran. Blocks "allproperty and assets located in the United States" belonging to theformer Shah "or any close relative of the former shah served as adefendant in litigation" brought by the regime.








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